Are Insurance

insurance is a form of risk management primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent, uncertain loss. Insurance is defined as the equitable transfer of the risk of a loss, from one entity to another, in exchange for payment.

Why Insurance Companies Offer Cheap Car Insurance For Young Women

Purchasing car insurance does not need to be a complicated or frustrating matter if you educate yourself into the ins and outs of finding the right company for you. Though it is true that there are so many insurance companies to choose from, you can narrow down your choice considerably by taking advantage of the internet to compare what insurance companies have to offer to include policy options, price rates, types of coverage, etc. Receiving online quotes for your insurance needs is free, quick and reliable.

Automobile insurance prices also vary according to the type of insurance you want as well as aspects of the individuals the policy will cover, i.e. gender, age, driving experience, etc. In the case of insurance for women, it is possible to obtain cheap car insurance for young women that meets their insurance specifications and financial budget. In fact, many insurance companies offer discount rates for women because statistically speaking, regarding causing car accidents, women have been shown to be safer drivers than men. Some people believe this is attributed to women in general being more cautious in their driving habits - driving slower, driving more carefully, being more conscious of their driving when children are in the vehicle or when driving in a child oriented area, etc. In other words, as the "motherly instinct" kicks in, women respond through being more careful on the roads.

Because insurance companies have taken note of these plus a few other factors, they conclude that women, both young and old, are less risky when it comes to insurance and thus reduce their prices accordingly for insurance coverage. Other factors which may contribute to cheaper insurance rates for women are again due to statistics showing that women overall drive less than men; when women are involved in an accident, the property damage to the vehicle is usually less because of their slower and more careful driving habits; and women drivers tend to obey road rules more consistently than men.

Of course, no drivers are ever perfect on the road and there are always extenuating circumstances to consider when accidents happen. However, the above statistics do show that overall it appears women are more consistent in their safety conscious driving habits than the opposite sex. Even younger women drivers seem to have a safety first consciousness about driving which is why companies have taken to offering cheap car insurance for young women as compared to the opposite of raising auto insurance rates for young men.


Amelia August 20, 2011 at 10:26 AM  

Wow I am so happy to know this fact that women are offered insurance policy at a lower price as compared to men. Its a true saying that women are more safer at driving than men and do obey rules and regulations more than men do. Thanks for this lovely post.
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